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Industerial use of Hexamine

C6H12N4 is a heterocyclic organic compound with the chemical name Hexamine. It is also called Methenamine, Hexamethylenetetramine or Urotropin.It acts as an anti-infective agent which is most commonly used to treat urinary tract infections. Its anti-infective action is derived from the slow release of formaldehyde (CH2O) by hydrolysis at acidic pH of 0.2 molars. Methenamine is an odourless colourless lustrous crystal or white crystalline powder which is hygroscopic.

Properties of Hexamine – C6H12N4



Molecular weight of C6H12N4

140.186 g/mol

Density of Hexamine

1.33 g/cm3

Melting point of Hexamine

280 °C

Boiling point of Hexamine





Hexamine is used in the production of paints, foundry resins, textiles, plywood, laminated sheets, cement.

Hexamine is used in many industries:

1.Rubber industry
Hexamine is used as an accelerator and to prevent vulcanized rubber from blocking. It is also used in the production of dinitrosopentamethylene-tetramine, which is a blowing agent for rubber. 

2.Plastic industry
Hexamine is used in the production of plastics, adhesives, and coatings. 

3.Pharmaceutical industry
Hexamine is used as a primary feed material in the pharmaceutical industry. 

4.Explosives industry
Hexamine is used as a base component in the manufacture of certain explosives. 

5.Fuel industry
Hexamine is used in the production of solid fuel tablets for camping stoves. 


 Hexamine is often packaged in PP bags or multiwall moisture-proof paper bags. It is transported by all modes of transport in closed transport facilities. 

Here are some precautions to take when handling hexamine:

  • Store in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated space
  • Avoid dust concentrations
  • Hexamine is combustible